Friday 11 February 2022

Chemo #1

 My day started with a high stress incident! Home Instead rang about 10 minutes before I was due to leave to say the carer was off sick.  Did I want them to find someone else? Well yes I did.  I decided I couldn’t do anything about it so left it to them as I know they will, as a last resort, send someone from the office who has previously been a carer. The chemo was fine. One little wobbly, I suddenly got a pain in my chest and went very red, but it’s likely that was the steroids as it didn’t happen again. I read some, watched a film on Netflix, ate my lunch and had a snooze and was home by 3.30. This evening I feel fine and i have eaten a substantial meal which tasted as it should, but we shall see what happens over the next few days. By the way, I don't know why this looks like this but I'm too tired now to work it out


  1. It's your colour and it looks good. Glad all seems well. Take care and rest. God bless. Ann.

  2. I'm glad you got through the first session of chemo despite the stressful start. Hope you are feeling okay today. Keeping you and Alan in my prayers. Heather.

  3. That's me, not anonymous! So rubbish with technology! Heather
