Friday 23 September 2016

Second report

A summary of the past fortnight. I got a quarter of a pound under 11st one day but have settled back a tad higher. Waist and bust haven't changed any more but I realise I was measuring the wrong bits because I am now wearing some trousers that are a size smaller than usual.  I bought some very nice cords in a sale and bought two sizes in the hope I would be able to get into the smaller ones in time, but I would need braces on the larger ones now and I really don't have the figure for that!
I did last weeks Parkrun in 56'31" and jogged a bit and I am looking forward to getting the time down a bit more tomorrow. I might even run a bit!
But I have fallen off the wagon when it comes to food and drink.  We had guests to lunch yesterday and it would have been rude not to eat my own cooking with relish. Then I went out to see The National Theatre production of The Threepenny Opera, live broadcast at the local theatre and was so hyped up when I got home I just had to have a little supper. And a little wine.
And I have just come back from pushing the old man along the front at Felixstowe so I am eating a Bakewell Tart with my cup of tea.
I will start being good again tomorrow.

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